Authorized inserts: The publisher can insert advertising in specified issues at established rates according to the terms and conditions.
Contrary provisions void: No conditions printed or otherwise appearing on the Advertiser’s insertion order, Publisher’s billing, or copy instructions, which conflict with this Agreement or the publisher's policies, will be binding on the publisher or its subcontractors.
Additional contract items: If more insertions (whether number or size) are added, other than specified in this Agreement, a new insertion order must be sent to dealer news before advertising, and charges will be adjusted accordingly.
New Advertisers: Advertisers beginning business with a publisher must return the contract before publication is printed by the 1st of the month. The advertiser agrees to remit payment upon receipt of the advertisement invoice; receipt of the magazine will be proof of advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser and the advertiser’s agent(s) jointly liable for monies due and payable to the publisher.
When copy not received by the due date: If a change of copy or artwork covered by an insertion order is not received by the 1st of the prior month for the advertisement, the Advertisers most recent ad in the MidAtlantic Dealer News will be repeated unless a standard replacement is on file. Regular advertisers should
have a standard replacement advertisement on file, which may be placed instead of a monthly copy when difficulty in producing copy arises. Please keep the standard replacement advertisement current.
Errors and omissions: The publisher does not assume liability for errors, notwithstanding all standard precautions. The publisher's liability for any error will not exceed the publisher's charges for the advertisement in question. The publisher assumes no liability for any reason it becomes necessary to omit an advertisement. The publisher is not liable for delays in delivery or non-delivery in any manner.
Expenses for prep. Work: The advertiser agrees to pay all costs for additional advertisement preparation and revisions that may be done or requested by the advertiser from our printer, such as typesetting, negatives, correction, repairing, etc.; these things are at the printer's discretion. The MidAtlantic Dealer News assumes no responsibility for billing or paying such fees.
Content Liability: All advertising is subject to the publisher's approval, with the publisher having the right to reject any advertising that is not in keeping with the publisher’s standards. Advertisers and agencies assume liability for all advertisement print content and hold the publisher harmless for any claims arising from there.
Ad production: If the Advertiser desires to place an advertisement but does not have access to artwork or an agency, contact MidAtlantic Staff at 717-238-9002.