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The Magazine
MidAtlantic Dealer News

The Magazine is published monthly in Harrisburg by the Pennsylvania Independent Automobile Dealers Association t/a PIADA-MDIADA-DEIADA. PIADA is the official voice of independent licensed vehicle dealers throughout Pennsylvania.

Magazine Advertising Agreement - Paid Monthly

Premium Page per month Rates (premium pages must be full page and four-color):

Regular Page per month Color Rates

Total Amount
Company Information
The advertiser agrees to place and begin advertising in the Pennsylvania Dealer News starting the first of the month (select date below)
Advertiser agrees to pay any design, preparation, and revisions costs associated with the Advertiser’s copy.
My Contact Information

Monthly Auction Directory Listing Rate: $600 per year, or complementary to Auctions that paid to advertise in an amount equal to or exceeding $600 in the Magazine during 2024, or that commit and spend at least $600 for advertising in the Magazine to appear by December 31, 2024, for the calendar year 2024, or that become exhibitors or sponsors of MidAtlantic Annual Convention and Tailgate 2025.

SPECIAL RATES (Extra Charges)
• Special requests such as card inserts or cover wraps: check the editor for prices.
• Other preferred positions: Pennsylvania Dealer News will not guarantee preferred positions for ads that are
not four colors or for which preferences have already been made with other advertisers.
